Holy Ghost Chapel (Demonstration of Holy Ghost and Power Ministry) is a Pentecostal Charismatic non-denominational Church that God has set apart in the last days to help the poor and needy with the healing Power of God and pray for revival in Scotland.
We are a church based in Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland UK, whose aim is to see the power of God save lost souls and encourage believers to conduct their lives in Holiness.
We are also a church that the Lord has set apart to demonstrate God’s power to heal the broken hearted, give sight to the blind and set free all who are held prisoner by the devil by the Power of the Holy Spirit. We believe God wants his Children to enjoy a life of peace, joy, forgiveness, patience and love.
We believe that Jesus still heals physically, mentally and spiritually as he did more than 2000 years ago. We spur people to use their talents/gifts so that they can live the abundant life that God prepared for them in Christ.
We are a registered Scottish charity involved in international development and meeting the needs of the poor and vulnerable in Scotland and globally.
To inspire all men and women to walk in love, holiness, peace, and demonstrate the power of God through empowerment of the Holy Spirit that is given through faith in Jesus Christ’s work of salvation. (Romans 8:26).
Our mission statement can be summed up in one word: REACH.
Reaching Up | Loving God:
Vertical reach to touch God. We reach up through worship.
Reach In | Serving Each Other:
Horizontal reach to bless others. We serve God by serving each other.
Reach Out | Changing the World:
Outward reach to change the world. We have to be bold and courageous. Jesus commanded us to go into the entire world and present the good news.
Sundays 11:00 a.m.
Holy Ghost Chapel, Leith Community Centre 12a
Newkirkgate , Leith Edinburgh EH6 6AD.
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